Our Story: Part 5 of 5

Bringing Evelyn home, was so much scarier than bringing Savannah home. People treat you differently; as if you've hit a "pro" level of parenting and need less help. The reality is you need more help than ever, at least we did. Drew and I both struggled to get back into the "newborn stage" while also still living in the "toddler stage" with Savannah.

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Our Story: Part 4 of 5

>>With my first, I was in labor for 5 days and sent home from the hospital twice during those days. My water never broke, I worked all week and full on cleaned my entire house the day before I gave birth. These two events were nothing a like.<<

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Our Story: Part 3 of 5

Through out my pregnancy I was aware that how I was feeling was different. I tried on my own to "figure out" why, but I wasn't really letting myself feel my feelings. I pushed everything down, and convinced myself I was fine. Every so often I would tell Drew, "something is wrong", or "something isn't right".

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Our Story: Part 2 of 5

At 17 weeks pregrant, also Sav's second birthday, there were lots of whispers, my dad had even rubbed my belly and asked when I was going to tell, I rolled my eyes and walked away.

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